Versions Compared


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  1. Enter the PostgreSQL Docker. First, get the container ID.

    Code Block
    docker ps
    docker exec -ti <container ID> bash
  2. Use psql to access the postgres database.

    Code Block
    psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d postgres
  3. Change the postgres user password and create the new database.

    Code Block
    ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '<password>';
    CREATE DATABASE zwe_analytics;
    Create the tables…

After going through all the previous steps to configure the NiFi flow in Import NiFi pipelines, the final step is now to create the database and its views. This will allow NiFi to refresh the data accordingly.

First, it is needed to download the database file called tables.sql from the following repository: This file contains the definition for 17 tables:

  • mdl_certificates

  • mdl_cohorts

  • mdl_cohorts_x_users

  • mdl_course_categories

  • mdl_course_completion

  • mdl_course_modules_completion

  • mdl_courses

  • mdl_enrolments

  • mdl_feedback_answers

  • mdl_feedback_metadata

  • mdl_feedback_questions

  • mdl_grade_grade

  • mdl_grade_items

  • mdl_scorm_scoes_track

  • mdl_user_roles

  • mdl_users

  • mdl_course_modules

Make sure that every table is created.

Second, download the database file called views from the following repository: The file contains the definition for X views:

  • zwe_course_grades

  • zwe_elearning_certificates_view_dev

  • zwe_elearning_enrolmentscourseunifiedview_dev

  • zwe_elearning_feebacksview_dev

Finally, execute both definitions into a desired database to create the tables and views.