Let's create a new Data Element with the following settings:
Value Type: Text Date
Aggregation Type: Sum
Form Name: Vaccine Lot NumberApplication Date
Automatic Name, Short Name and Code: Enabled
Compulsory: Enabled
Everything else: As is
Next, click on the Create And Add Data Element button. The section where the Data Element was added will display an Updated tag, also, expanding the Section will display the newly added Data Element with a Created tag.
Save your changes
Let's add more Data Elements to the Program Stage.
General Information Section:
Value Type: Text
Aggregation Type: None
Form Name: Patient ID
Automatic Name, Short Name and Code: Enabled
Compulsory: Enabled
General Information Section:
Value Type: Text
Aggregation Type: None
Form Name: Patient Name
Automatic Name, Short Name and Code: Enabled
Compulsory: Enabled
General Information Section:
Value Type: Text
Aggregation Type: None
Form Name: Patient Surname
Automatic Name, Short Name and Code: Enabled
Compulsory: Disabled
Vaccine Information Section:
Value Type: Text
Aggregation Type: None
Form Name: Lot Number
Automatic Name, Short Name and Code: Enabled
Compulsory: Enabled
Vaccine Information Section:
Value Type: Date
Aggregation Type: SumNone
Form Name: Expiration Date Administered
Automatic Name, Short Name and Code: Enabled
Compulsory: Enabled
Medical NotesAllergic Reactions Section:
Value Type: Yes/No
Aggregation Type: SumNone
Form Name: Did the patient experience any have an allergic reactionsreaction?
Automatic Name, Short Name and Code: Enabled
Compulsory: Enabled
Also, in the Medical Notes Section after the previous Data Element: Allergic Reactions Section:
Value Type: Long Texttext
Aggregation Type: SumNone
Form Name: CommentsIf yes, please explain
Automatic Name, Short Name and Code: Enabled
Compulsory: Disabled
Result Expected:
After adding all the Data Elements, save your changes.