Verify that the programs are loaded correctly
To verify this, we need two different types of user accounts:
Log in using a user account that has been assigned |
a HNQIS2 program |
. | Log in using a user account that has been assigned |
Login to the PSI Android Fork with the following credentials: URL: https://staging.psi-mis.org/ Username: MLdemo1 Password: Malidemo1! | Login to the PSI Android Fork with the following credentials: URL: https://staging.psi-mis.org/ Username: rdqa.test Password: Temp123* r.test |
a RDQA program. |
Once you are logged into the PSI Android Fork, the data will be synchronized. Note that this process may take a few minutes.
Expected result:
The application displays should display all the assessments programs assigned to the user for both HNQIS2 and RDQA.
1 | Successful login | Login to the Android Fork with the following credentials: URL: https://staging.psi-mis.org/ Username: MLdemo1 Password: Malidemo1! | Log in using a user account that has been assigned a HNQIS2 program. |
Select a program from the list.
Tap on the
The application should allow you to start an evaluationassessment, and all items should load correctly; in the enrollment data section, the fields should autofill with the information entered.
1 | Successful login | Login to the Android Fork with the following credentials: URL: https://staging.psi-mis.org/ Username: MLdemo1 Password: Malidemo1! | Log in using a user account that has been assigned a HNQIS2 program. |
2 | Identify Assessment | Select an assessment that have child sections, in this case we use PF: Couseling. | |
3 | Access assessment | Begin completing the assessment. |
Select the first section that appears: Family Planning Counseling - Conseils de contraception.Select “Oui” in the “Est-ce une 'evaluation du counseling pour la PF?” questionoption that has been configured to show the new sections in the assessment.
3. Check that the child sections are displayed.
The child sections should be shown when the answer configured option is selected; otherwise, the section should be hidden.
1 | Successful login | Login to the Android Fork with the following credentials: URL: https://staging.psi-mis.org/ Username: MLdemo1 Password: Malidemo1!Log in using a user account that has been assigned a HNQIS2 program. |
2 | Identify Assessment | Select an assessment that have child sections, in this case we use PF: Couseling . |
3 | Access assessment | Begin completing the assessment |
Select Enrollment in the fourth section that appears: Family Planning Cousenling - Cliente qui n' a pas encore choisi de méthode.Select “oui” in the questionassessment that contains the program rule.
Check that the conditional logic questions are displayed.
The conditional logic questions should be shown when the answer configured option is selected; otherwise, the questions should be hidden.
This is one of the most important features of the PSI Android Fork. The feedback module allows you to review the answers to the questions performed in the assessment.
1 Login to the Android Fork with the following credentials: URL: https://staging.psi-mis.org/ Username: MLdemo1 | Password: Malidemo1!Log in using a user account that has been assigned a HNQIS2 program. |
Select or create an assessment.
In the dashboard, tap on the three dots menu in the top right corner.
Enrollment in the RDQA program
1 | Login to the Android Fork with the following credentials: URL: https://staging.psi-mis.org/ Username: rdqa.test Password: Temp123* | Log in using a user account that has been assigned a RDQA program. |
Open RDQA program
Click on the
button and select a health area, all available sanitary areas must be shown.Tap on the “magnifying glass” icon
Click on the
Create new
buttonSelect an organization unit and click on the
8. Check the enrollment data fields are auto-filledautofilled.
9. Check the following fields are mandatory:
The application must allow enrollment in the RDQA program correctly, and the fields in the enrollment data section are auto-filled autofilled correctly.
Action plan-Header title
1 | Login to the Android Fork with the following credentials: URL: https://staging.psi-mis.org/ Username: rdqa.test Password: Temp123* | Log in using a user account that has been assigned a RDQA program. |
2 | Enroll in the RDQA program |
Data verification-Header title
1 | Login to the Android Fork with the following credentials: URL: https://staging.psi-mis.org/ Username: rdqa.test Password: Temp123* | Log in using a user account that has been assigned a RDQA program. |
2 | Enroll in the RDQA program |
This is one of the most important features of the Android Fork, this module allows you to review the answers to the questions performed in the assessment.
1 | Login to the Android Fork with the following credentials: URL: https://staging.psi-mis.org/ Username: rdqa.test Password: Temp123* | Log in using a user account that has been assigned a RDQA program. |
2 | Enroll in the RDQA program |
The application has a section dedicated to charts and indicators corresponding to the RDQA program.
1 Login to the Android Fork with the following credentials: URL: https://staging.psi-mis.org/ Username: rdqa.test | Password: Temp123*Log in using a user account that has been assigned a RDQA program. |
2 | Enroll in the RDQA program. |
3 | Open the charts and indicators section. |
Check that the indicators are correctly displayed.
Check that the charts are displayed correctly.
The indicators are displayed correctly, and the charts allow changing the type of display.