User Groups

User Groups

Setting Up a User Group


Authorities refers to access privileges

User Groups refers to groups of user such as End Users and Administrators

User refers to the End Users in most cases the Quality Supervisor or Supervisor

Roles refers to access privileges such as access to DHIS2 applications, adding, editing and deleting objects.

Object refers to programs, data elements, option sets and other configurable elements within DHIS2


Users Groups allow you to manage access to individual elements of DHIS2, by applying the rules to User Group any Users who are members of the User Group are updated. For most program you want to separate the responsibility of who manages the metadata (Admins) from the Users who only needs access to data capture, which only needs to see the metadata (Users)

Type of User Group

Metadata Settings

Data Capture Settings

Type of User Group

Metadata Settings

Data Capture Settings


Can Edit and View

Can Capture and View


Can View only

Can Capture and View

By default, the HNQIS2 Metadata Package includes two User Groups that can be used as templates for other groups:

  • HNQIS2 - Admins

  • HNQIS2- Users.


Please Note

If you’re using the PCA, the HNQIS2 Metadata Package (that also includes the base User Groups) can be installed/updated easily.


It is recommended to that a pair of Groups for Admins and Users is created for each use case. For instance, it is a common practice to separate Checklists by country, meaning that a group of three countries: Kenya, Zimbabwe and Angola; should have the following sets of User Groups:

Kenya (KE)

Zimbabwe (ZW)

Angola (AO)

Kenya (KE)

Zimbabwe (ZW)

Angola (AO)

  • KE HNIQS2 - Admins

  • KE HNQIS2 - Users

  • ZW HNIQS2 - Admins

  • ZW HNQIS2 - Users

  • AO HNIQS2 - Admins

  • AO HNQIS2 - Users

If your server includes a multi-country setup, it is a good practice to include the ISO Code of the country as a prefix for each User Group.


To apply these users groups to the different DHIS2 / H2 objects, please… see the H2 sharing

To assign users to a User group, please see Editing and creating new users