Results Section

Once you have completed the assessment you will be presented with the scores in the last two sessions of the Timeline Data Entry section.

Critical Steps Calculations (COMPETENCY)

This section provides the level of competency a facility/provider has achieved for the assessment. This section shows only if it has been activated for a specific list.

The results are automatically calculated from the answers you have entered and are based on the following calculations;


In this section, you are provided a quick overview of the results for each of the sections in the assessment.  This is useful to quickly see which areas of the assessment may have not performed as well as expected.

Once you are satisfied the assessment is complete (1) you can go ahead and save it by clicking (2) the save icon at the bottom right of the screen.

When saving the assessment you will be prompted to select one of the following actions;

Finish and complete - This will save the assessment and close the assessment preventing any further changes.

Finish - This will save the updates and allow for additional changes to be made.

Summary Of An Assessment

The summary screen allows you to inspect the assessment and share the results with authorised personnel.

If you selected ‘Finish’ when saving the assessment you can return to make changes by clicking the yellow clipboard/Pen icon, if however if you selected ‘Finish and complete’ you will not be able to make any further changes or updates to the assessment.