Once the page has fully loaded you can navigate to the relevant facility using the ‘Org Unit Tree’ (1) on the left side of the screen.
The ‘Org Unit Tree’ structure is as follows:
National Level
Sub-national Level
If you do not see a full list of facilities, click the (1) ‘+’ icon to expand the branch.
You can also use the green magnifying glass icon in the header of the Org Unit Tree panel to search for the facility by typing the name of the facility that you need to assess.
Once you have selected the correct facility from the Org Unit Tree you will see all the (2) ‘Programs’ corresponding to the HNQIS evaluations lists available for that location from the dropdown list.
When you have made your selection click (3) ‘Register’ to continue.
Option 1:
If you are ready to start the assessment, please check the details are correct and click (1) Save and continue.
Option 2:
If however, you are transferring historical paper records to HNQIS you will need to ensure all details match the paper record, please pay special attention to the date fields.
Enrolling Organisation Unit – This field cannot be edited, if the data shown is incorrect click cancel and navigate to the correct clinic/facility, and repeat the previous steps.
Enrolment Date – This is automatically populated with the current date, however, you can change the date by clicking in the field and selecting a different date from the calendar only if you are transferring data from a paper copy/record to HNQIS.
Health Area – This field cannot be edited, if the details are incorrect, click cancel and repeat the previous steps to select the correct Program.
Organization Unit - This field is pre-populated and can not be edited
Assessment Date - This field is pre-populated and can not be edited
The assessment page has many sections as shown in the red boxes below, however, you are only required to update the ‘Timeline Data Entry’ section.
Some questions are followed by a * asterisk and/or [C], these two symbols denote the importance of the question.
Some questions are followed by a * asterisk and/or [C], these two symbols denote the importance of the question.
(COMPULSORY) This symbol denotes the question is compulsory, the question can not be skipped, and you must enter a response. |
[C] (CRITICAL) This represents a question is has a major impact on the overall score of an assessment. |
Most questions require a selection from the dropdown list, to expand the list of options click/tap the down arrow in the box ‘Select or search from the list” as shown below
For some questions, you may be provided additional details, context, or a link to a supporting document/video, to access simply click/tap on the ‘text’ of the questions to see a popup window as shown below.
You can collapse and expand sections as well as groups of questions within sections by clicking the (1) arrow for the whole section, and (2) the text of a group of questions as shown in the screenshot below.