Locators / Organization Units near me
This endpoint provides list of organization units around the provided coordinates.
url : api/v1/locator
method: GET/POST
authorization: as setup in the Spring.Framework.Security
Mandatory parameters - you must provide at least one of the following parameters
Parameter | dhis2 attribute | description |
coordinates | User location or Latitude,Longitude near to which we want to find the organization Units. | |
Organization Unit | ||
code | core | Org Unit Code | Code assigned to the organization unit |
uid | core | OrgUnit UID | UID generated by DHIS2 for a organization unit |
Ancestor (Organization Unit) | ||
ancestor.uid | core | OrgUnit UID for ancestor | When UID / code for the ancestor is provided, then all the locator / facilities under it are populated |
ancestor.code | core | OrgUnit code for ancestor |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Option Value | Default Option | Description |
pageSize | number | 1 | Defines which page number to return. |
distance | number | 5 | Defines radius within which you need to generate the organization Units |
unit | m | km | mi | km | Define the unit for the distance |
phone | text (phone Number) | N/A | DHIS2 core element | Defines the phone number of the location |
DHIS2 custom ou attribute | |||
type | text | Defines the type of the location. | |
tags | text (csv) | N/A | Defines the tags the locations are associated with. |
services | text (csv) | N/A | Defines the services offered by the locations. |
contraception | text (csv) | N/A | Defines the contraceptives services offered by the locations. |
area | text | N/A | Defines the area where the locations is located. |
subArea | text | N/A | Defines the subArea where the locations is located. |
text (phone Number) | N/A | Defines the whatsapp number of the location | |
text | url | N/A | Defines the fb url for the location |
URL (for GET request):
Payload (for POST request):
{ "pageSize": 10, "distance": 5, "unit": "km", "coordinates": "lat,lng", "ancestor.code": "KE", "services": "service1,service2", "uid": 'q13we2452wsd', "code": "CODE-123", "contraception": "iud,imp", "tags": "tag1,tag2", "type": "Public", "area": "Managua", "subArea": "Ciudad Sandino", "phonenumber": "180999093107", "wap": "977984123145", "facebook": "https://fb.me/facility1" }
{ "status": 200, "pager": {...} "outlets": [ { "dhisCode": "KE-CODE-123", "dhisId": "xkcEJARvo2O", "servicesStandard": "CCS,CNT,ANC,STI,HVS,HVT", "outletType": "Public", "ouShowContactInfo": "TLF", "path": "", "outletName": "Facility Clinic", "phoneNumber": "+254541483334", "postgresId": "1511345870", "locatorType": "OUT", "location": { "area": "Nairobi", "areaSub": "Starehe", "address": "street1, city, subarea, area", "latitude": "-1.28575", "longitude": "39.81234" }, "dhisName": "Facility Clinic (KE-CODE-123)", "openingHours": "Mon-Fri,8:00,17:00;Sat,9:00,14:00;Public Holiday,9:00,14:00;Sun,Closed", "openingDate": "2023-02-11", "ouTags": "MSI", "providers": [], "ouContraceptives": "IMP,OCP,IUD,INJ,STL,EMC" } ] }