Searching nearest orgunits / Location based on the provided coordinates
Performance was measured based on the time taken to:
load 500 nearby outlets to the provided coordinates (for locator API)
Similarly, in FHIR, we tried to load 500 nearby locations based on the coordinates provided
Summary of test results
DHIS2 | FHIR | DHIS2 vs FHIR % | ||
Average | 1.93245 | 0.555544 | 99.9437 |
Test detailed results
logged on Nov 22/ 2022 UTC-7 21:23:00
Performance Testing for | Attempt | DHIS2 API | FHIR API | Improvement ( % ) |
El Salvador | Attempt 1 | 1.40366 | 0.595705 | 235.63 |
Attempt 2 | 1.36264 | 0.548285 | 248.527 | |
Attempt 3 | 1.38555 | 0.58621 | 236.356 | |
Kenya | Attempt 1 | 1.45908 | 0.592059 | 246.441 |
Attempt 2 | 1.42916 | 0.571586 | 250.034 | |
Attempt 3 | 1.42113 | 0.602623 | 235.824 | |
Nigeria | Attempt 1 | 1.47467 | 0.596982 | 247.022 |
Attempt 2 | 1.51453 | 0.564565 | 268.266 | |
Attempt 3 | 1.50846 | 0.564294 | 267.318 | |
Cameroon | Attempt 1 | 1.50968 | 0.580445 | 260.091 |
Attempt 2 | 1.66286 | 0.563667 | 295.008 | |
Attempt 3 | 1.72107 | 0.591113 | 291.158 | |
Nepal | Attempt 1 | 1.34875 | 0.600613 | 224.562 |
Attempt 2 | 1.0993 | 0.558992 | 196.658 | |
Attempt 3 | 1.36921 | 0.569797 | 240.298 | |
Overall Average | 1.44465 | 0.579129 | 249.546 |
Testing Script
case_results = [{"description": "Performance Testing for", "attempt": "Attempt", "dhis2": "DHIS2 API", "dhis2_size": "DHIS2 Size", "fhir": "FHIR API", "fhir_size": "FHIR Size", "improvement": "Improvement %"}] print("Case #2 - Getting 500 orgUnits/Location 100km around the provided coordinates") improvements = [] dhis2_performances = [] fhir_performances = [] for country in countries: for i in range(1,4): case_result = {} if i == 1: case_result['description'] = "{}".format(country['name']) case_result['attempt'] = "Attempt {}".format(i) dhis2_url = dhis2_base_url+'n=500&c={},{}&d=1000000'.format(country['latitude'], country['longitude']) result = requests.get(dhis2_url, auth=dhis2_auth) if result.status_code == 200: data = result.json() dhis2_performances.append(result.elapsed.total_seconds()) case_result['dhis2'] = dhis2_performances[-1] case_result['dhis2_size'] = len(data['outlet']) request_url = fhir_location_url+'near={}|{}|10000|km&_count=500'.format(country['latitude'], country['longitude']) fhirResult = requests.get(request_url, auth=fhir_auth) if fhirResult.status_code == 200: fhir_data = fhirResult.json() fhir_performances.append(fhirResult.elapsed.total_seconds()) case_result['fhir'] = fhir_performances[-1] case_result['fhir_size'] = len(fhir_data['entry']) if 'entry' in fhir_data else 0 improvements.append((dhis2_performances[-1]/fhir_performances[-1])*100) case_result['improvement'] = improvements[-1] case_results.append(case_result) time.sleep(0.01) case_result = {} case_result['description'] = "Overall Average" case_result['dhis2'] = np.average(dhis2_performances) case_result['fhir'] = np.average(fhir_performances) case_result['improvement'] = np.average(improvements) case_results.append(case_result) print(tabulate(case_results, headers='firstrow', tablefmt='html'))