How to access RDQA program
Select the tracker capture app from the button at the top right or type tracker capture in the search box.
The box on the left shows the two options included in Tracker Capture app: “Registration and Data Entry” and “Reports”. When the first option is selected the Organization Units are unfolded below.
Header section, options and filters
Here can be found the box to filter the different programs associated to the previous organization unit selected. It can be typed the name for selecting a specific program.
Next to the program filter are located 3 buttons to change the view of the main box of the page. The buttons are the following:
The Lists button shows the past entries listed for the current organization unit selected.
The search button allows you to search for a specific past entry.
The register button is for capturing data of a new entry.
The “lists” button is activated by default and displays additional filters:
The first button shows any previous enrollment status.
The second button shows only the entries with active enrollment.
The third button shows only the entries with completed enrollment.
The fourth button shows only the entries with cancelled enrollment
The last button let customize the working list: the user can add, modify and eliminate different fields to filter the past entries.