This section describes the user interaction how a user can take a quiz after creating a new account and the user being is enrolled in a course.
Table of Contents |
1. Select a Quiz
From the Course Enrollments Section, the user is now ready to select an activity, ; this section will describe just the interactions with a Quiz Activity.
Once enrolled in the preferred course, the status of the course change changes to Enrolled, as well as some other details such as percentage completed for the course and grade obtained:
The enrolled course is Mathematics Course. The user wants to start a Quiz from this course, so the user types 1:
Moodle Chatbot App list lists all the activities available for the user. As the user wants to get a grade for the Arithmetic Quiz, he the user types the number 1 (the number associated with the activity).
Once the user types 1, Moodle Chatbot App sends a confirmation message before start starting the test:
Here, the user has two options:
Type 1 to start the [Quiz Name]: option to start a taking the quiz. As a safety measure, the Moodle Chatbot App sends this confirmation so the user can check if he accessed the desired Quiz.
Type 0 to go back to the previous page: this allows the user to go back return to the course activities list (image 1).
2. Taking Quiz
Lets Let's assume that the user has already checked the Quiz's name of the quiz and wants to give a try to it.
When the user types 1, the first question appears on the screen:
Here, there is a structure that the user must note:
Attempt Message: reference Reference for the user to know which attempt is being started.
Question Message:
Name of the question: Moodle Quiz Name given by the teacher.
Question text: Moodle Quiz Question Text given by the teacher . Related and related to the instructions for the question.
Answers: Moodle Quiz Question Answers given by the teacher.
The user must select an answer to proceed to the next question. Each answer is associated with a number. To submit Answer A, the user must type 1. To submit Answer D, the user must type 4.
Immediately after the user submits the answer (typing the number associated to with the answer), Moodle Chatbot App responds whether the answer is correct or not:
Correct/ Incorrect message: details that the answer provided by the user is correct/incorrect.
Answer feedback: Moodle allows the teacher/manager of the quiz Quiz to write feedback for the answer. Moodle Chatbot App displays this feedback for the answer provided by the user in case a teacher wrote some feedback for it.
Now, the user proceeds to submit the answer for the second question (as it is a true/false question, the user can just type 1 or 2):
Again, The Moodle Chatbot App shows the same structure of Correct/Incorrect message messages and feedback for the answer. Here, the user answered the last question, so the bot provide provided the following information to the user:
Congratulations Messagemessage: tells the user that he answered the last question.
Module Summary:
Started on: date and time when the user started the quizQuiz.
Completed on: date and time when the usert user completed the quizQuiz.
Time taken: the time elapsed between user’s the user's starting time and completed completion time.
Marks: marks the score obtained on the quiz Quiz based on Moodle marks for each answer.
Grade: the grade obtained by the user.
Attempt: current number of attempt attempts done by the user.
1 - Go back to the course list
2 - Show course summary
3 - Repeat this module
On actions, the user has 3 three options:
1 - Go back to the course list: Moodle Chatbot App returns the user to the Course Selection.
Option 0 returns the user to the current course activities, and option 1 returns the user to the course list. For more information on the course list, refer to Course Selection.
3 - Repeat this module: Moodle Chatbot App return returns the user to Taking a Quiz.