This module will return the following messages:
Valid JSON
Invalid JSON
Success, valid request
Invalid request, check if the structure of your request is correct for every survey (accepted answers for questions / all parameters are included within the questions) or if the org unit is accepted
Success, valid request
this message will be sent that everything was correct, the structure and the values of the request body are the ones expected. For example, for the question EXs9avwMrC6, there are only two possible answers (0 or 1), in case the answer has any other value (let’s say answer has value 2), a message of invalid JSON will be sent.
request, check if the structure of your request is correct for every survey (accepted answers for questions / all parameters are included within the questions) or if the org unit is accepted
this message will be returned by the service if the validator checks that some parameter is missing within the structure of the request body.
The status messages that the user can encounter by each survey are the following:
Error - could not split surveys.
Error - failed to get properties from surveys, please, check if all question IDs are correct
Error - failed to store survey property, unmatched property from survey
Error - failed to get store survey properties
Error - failed while trying to connect to DHIS2 and check if Tracked Entity Instance exists, DHIS2 responded status: [status_code_sent_by_DHIS2]
Error - failed to get Tracked Entity Instance, DHIS2 responded status: ${invokehttp.status.code}[DHIS2_STATUS_CODE]
Error - failed to store survey propertyTracked Entity Instance properties from DHIS2 retrieved data, unmatched property from survey
Error - failed to get survey propertiesstore Tracked Entity Instance properties from DHIS2 retrieved data
Error - could not create Track Entity Instance payload for DHIS2
Error - failed to insert DHIS2 Tracked Entity Instance, DHIS2 responded status: ${invokehttp.status.code}[DHIS2_STATUS_CODE]
Error - failed while trying to connect to DHIS2 and insert Tracked Entity Instance, DHIS2 responded status:
Error - failed to store Tracked Entity Instance properties from inserted, unmatched property
Error - failed to get Tracked Entity Instance properties from inserted
Error - Could could not create Event payload for Track Entity Instance for DHIS2
Error - failed to insert DHIS2 Event on Tracked Entity Instance, DHIS2 responded status: [statusDHIS2_code_sent_by_DHIS2STATUS_CODE]
Error - failed to store property from DHIS2 Event inserted, unmatched property
Error - failed to store property from DHIS2 Event inserted
This errors refer to the same: the service presented an error at some point of the data processing. The error specify in which step the flow stoped and at which point the flow should be checked:
Error - failed to get store survey properties
Error - failed while trying to connect to DHIS2 and check if Tracked Entity Instance exists, DHIS2 responded status: [status_code_sent_by_DHIS2]
Error - failed to get Tracked Entity Instance properties from inserted
Error - could not create Track Entity Instance payload for DHIS2
Error - failed while trying to connect to DHIS2 and insert Tracked Entity Instance, DHIS2 responded status:
Error - failed to get Tracked Entity Instance properties from inserted
Error - Could not create Event payload for Track Entity Instance for DHIS2
Error - failed to store property from DHIS2 Event inserted
Error - could not split surveys.
Failures by DHIS2
This errors refer that DHIS2 presented some problem trying to insert the data. As DHIS2 returns a status code, the data inserted into DHIS2 must be reviewed (as there could be a duplicate, or the data can not be inserted for some reason):
Error - failed to get Tracked Entity Instance, DHIS2 responded status: [statusDHIS2_code_sent_by_DHIS2STATUS_CODE]
Error - failed to insert DHIS2 Tracked Entity Instance, DHIS2 responded status: [statusDHIS2_code_sent_by_DHIS2STATUS_CODE]
Error - failed to insert DHIS2 Event on Tracked Entity Instance, DHIS2 responded status: [statusDHIS2_code_sent_by_DHIS2STATUS_CODE]
Failures by wrong data received