Excluded dimensions | Colum dimensions |
Longuited Latitude | Event date |
RDQA - Data verification score
per indicator and Donor
Excluded dimensions | Column dimensions |
Longitude | Event date |
The Health Area Scores provide a quick overview of the data quality, system assessment and data verification score calculated within the RDQA Program while capturing the data and completing each event.
RDQA - Health
area 1 Scores
Table configuration:
Columns | Rows | Filter |
Data | Organisation Unit | Period |
Element | Type |
HA1 Overall Data Quality Score | Indicator |
PI3.3 HA1 System Assessment Score | Program indicator |
PI4.3 HA1 Overall Data Verification Score | Program indicator |
RDQA - Health
area 2 Scores
Table configuration:
Columns | Rows | Filter |
Data | Organisation Unit | Period |