Indicator Name | Numerator | Num UID | Denominator | Den UID |
CH.1 % of children 0-59 months with diarrhea treated with ORS in MPHD-supported areas | Number of children 0-59 months of age classified with diarrhea treated with ORS in MPHD-supported areas |
| Number of children 0-59 months of age classified with diarrhea in MPHD-supported areas |
MPHD CH.1n Number of children 0-59 months with diarrhea treated in MPHD-supported areas [ch.1] | Number of children 0-59 months of age classified with diarrhea treated with ORS + zinc in MPHD-supported areas |
| 1 |
MPHD CH.1 Percentage of children 0-59 months with diarrhea treated in MPHD-supported areas [ch.1] | Number of children 0-59 months of age classified with diarrhea treated with ORS and zinc in MPHD-supported areas |
| Number of children 0-59 months of age classified with diarrhea in MPHD-supported areas |
MPHD CH.2n Number of children 0-59 months with diagnosed pneumonia treated with antibiotics in MPHD-supported areas [ch.2] | Number of children 0-59 months of age with valid classification who are correctly prescribed an antibiotic for pneumonia in MPHD supported areas |
| 1 |
MPHD CH.2 Percentage of children 0-59 months with diagnosed pneumonia treated with antibiotics in MPHD-supported areas [ch.2] | Number of children 0-59 months of age with valid classification who are correctly prescribed an antibiotic for pneumonia in MPHD supported areas |
| Number of children 0-59 months of age classified with pneumonia in MPHD supported areas |
MPHD CH.3 Percentage confirmed malaria cases in children 0–59 months that received ACTs in MPHD-supported areas [ch.3] | Number of children 0-59 months of age with a positive malaria RDT that received ACT in MOMENTUM supported areas |
| Number of children 0-59 months of age with positive malaria RDT in MOMENTUM supported areas |
MPHD CH+Nut.1 Number of children under five (0-59 months) reached with USG nutrition programs in MPHD-supported areas [ch+nut.1] | Number of children that receive one or more of the nutrition-specific interventions directly or through mother/caretaker |
| 1 |
MPHD CH+Nut.2n Number of children 6-59m screened for severe acute malnutrition in MPHD-supported areas [ch+nut.2] | Number of children aged 6-59 months screened for acute malnutrition (through MUAC or height and weight) in MPHD-supported areas |
| 1 |
MPHD CH+Nut.2 Percentage of children 6-59m screened for severe acute malnutrition in MPHD-supported areas [ch+nut.2] | Number of children aged 6-59 months screened for acute malnutrition (through MUAC or height and weight) in MPHD-supported areas |
| Number of children 6-59m seen (well child or sick child visits) in MPHD-supported areas |
MPHD CH+Nut.3n Number of children 6-59m identified with malnutrition in MPHD-supported areas [ch+nut.3] | Number of children aged 6-59 months identified with acute malnutrition in MPHD-supported areas |
| 1 |
MPHD CH+Nut.3 Percentage of children 6-59m identified with malnutrition in MPHD-supported areas [ch+nut.3] | Number of children aged 6-59 months identified with acute malnutrition in MPHD-supported areas |
| Number of children aged 6-59 months screened for acute malnutrition (through MUAC or height and weight) in MPHD-supported areas |
MPHD FP/RH.1 Percentage of MPHD-supported service delivery sites providing family planning (FP) counseling and/or services [rh.1] | Number of MPHD-assisted service delivery sites providing Family Planning (FP) information and/or services |
| Number of Service Delivery Sites planned to receive MPHD assistance over life of project |
MPHD FP/RH.2 Number of family planning client visits [rh.2] | Number of family planning client visits (both new acceptors and continuing clients, for both services and counseling) |
| 1 |
MPHD FP/RH.3n Number of women who deliver in a MPHD supported facility and initiate or leave with a modern contraceptive method prior to discharge [rh.3] | Number of women who deliver and initiate or leave with a voluntary modern contraceptive method prior to discharge in MPHD-supported facilities |
| 1 |
MPHD FP/RH.3 Percentage of women who deliver in a MPHD supported facility and initiate or leave with a modern contraceptive method prior to discharge [rh.3] | Number of women who deliver and initiate or leave with a voluntary modern contraceptive method prior to discharge in MPHD-supported facilities |
| Number of women who delivered in MPHD-supported facilities |
MPHD FP/RH.4n Number of post abortion clients who leave a MPHD-supported facility with a modern contraceptive [rh.4] | Number of women who receive post-abortion care services and initiate or leave with a voluntary modern contraceptive method in MPHD-supported facilities |
| 1 |
MPHD FP/RH.4 Percentage of post abortion clients who leave a MPHD-supported facility with a modern contraceptive [rh.4] | Number of women who receive post-abortion care services and initiate or leave with a voluntary modern contraceptive method in MPHD-supported facilities |
| Number of women who receive post abortion care services in MPHD-supported facilities |
MPHD FP/RH.5 Estimated modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate in MPHD-supported areas [PSI] | Estimated modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate in MPHD-supported areas |
| 1 |
MPHD FP/RH.6 Percentage of MPHD-supported facilities providing contraceptive services that report contraceptive provision to adolescents (`20) in the last 3 months [rh.6] | Number of MPHD-supported facilities with FP/RH support that provided contraception services to women or men less than 20 years of age in previous three months |
| Number of MPHD-supported facilities with FP/RH support reporting in previous three months |
MPHD FP/RH.7n Number of USG-assisted service delivery sites that expanded the types of contraceptive methods available with MPHD support [rh.7] | Number of facilities where MPHD supported introduction/re-introduction of an FP method that was not previously offered as part of the method mix within the past [xx timeframe] |
| 1 |
MPHD FP/RH.8n Number of MPHD-supported service delivery sites that provided a specific contraceptive method in the last 3 months [rh.8] | Number of facilities where X contraceptive method was provided in previous 3 months |
| 1 |
MPHD Gen.3 Percentage of women who report they communicate with their partner about MNCH/FP/RH topic(s) (couple communication) in MPHD-supported areas [gen.3] | Percentage of women who report they communicate with their partner about MNCH/FP/RH topic(s) |
| 1 |
MPHD Imm.1 Dropout between first dose (DPT1) and third dose (DPT3) of DPT-containing vaccines in MPHD-supported areas [imm.1] | ([Number of DPT1 doses - number of DPT3 doses] / DPT1 doses) x 100 |
| Number of DPT1 doses |
MPHD Imm.2n Number children who received DPT3/Penta3 vaccine in MPHD-supported areas [imm.2] | Number of children receiving the third dose of DPT/Pentavalent vaccine in MOMENTUM supported areas (x 100 for %) |
| 1 |
MPHD Imm.2 Percentage children aged `12 months who received DPT3/Penta3 vaccine in MPHD-supported areas [imm.2] | Number of children receiving the third dose of DPT/Pentavalent vaccine in MOMENTUM supported areas (x 100 for %) |
| Estimated number of children less than 12 months of age in MOMENTUM supported areas |
MPHD Imm.3n Number of surviving infants who received 1st dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV1) in MPHD-supported areas [imm.3] | Number of children receiving the first dose of measles containing vaccine in MOMENTUM supported areas (x 100 for %) |
| 1 |
MPHD Imm.3 Percentage of surviving infants who received 1st dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV1) in MPHD-supported areas [imm.3] | Number of children receiving the first dose of measles containing vaccine in MOMENTUM supported areas (x 100 for %) |
| Estimated number of children less than 12 months of age in MOMENTUM supported areas |
MPHD Imm.4n Number of surviving infants who received 2nd dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV2) in MPHD-supported areas [imm.4] | Number of children receiving the second dose of measles containing vaccine by the nationally recommended age in MOMENTUM supported areas (x 100 for %) |
| 1 |
MPHD Imm.4 Percentage of surviving infants who received 2nd dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV2) in MPHD-supported areas [imm.4] | Number of children receiving the second dose of measles containing vaccine by the nationally recommended age in MOMENTUM supported areas (x 100 for %) |
| Estimated number of children 12-24 months of age in MOMENTUM supported areas |
MPHD MN CH.1 Number of infants 0-59 days of age provided with first dose of antibiotics for treatment of PSBI in MPHD-supported outpatient settings [mn.ch.1] | Number of infants 0-59 days of age provided with first dose of antibiotics for treatment of Possible Severe Bacterial Infection in MOMENTUM-supported outpatient settings |
| 1 |
MPHD MN CH.2n Number MPHD supported facilities conducting maternal, perinatal and pediatric death audits and response within last 6 months [mn.ch.2] | Number of MOMENTUM supported facilities conducting at least one maternal, perinatal and pediatric death audit and response within last 6 months |
| 1 |
MPHD MN CH.2 Percentage MPHD supported facilities conducting maternal, perinatal and pediatric death audits and response within last 6 months [mn.ch.2] | Number of MOMENTUM supported facilities conducting at least one maternal, perinatal and pediatric death audit and response within last 6 months |
| Number of MOMENTUM supported facilities reporting / supervised within last 6 month |
MPHD MN CH.3n Number MPHD-supported service delivery points providing quality services (including measure on gender-sensitive services) [PSI] | Number of facilities ready to provide quality MNCH/FP/RH services |
| 1 |
MPHD MN CH.3 Percentage MPHD-supported service delivery points providing quality services (including measure on gender-sensitive services) [PSI] | Number of facilities ready to provide quality MNCH/FP/RH services |
| Number of MPHD-supported health facilities assessed |
MPHD MNH.10 Institutional newborn mortality rate in MPHD- supported facilities [mnh.10] | Number of newborns who die before discharge from facility |
| Number of newborns delivered (live) in facility |
MPHD MNH.11 Institutional stillbirth rate in MPHD-supported facilities [mnh.11] | Number of stillbirths in MOMENTUM-supported facilities |
| Number of live births and stillbirths in MOMENTUM-supported facilities |
MPHD MNH.12n Number of newborns initiated in KMC in MPHD-supported facilities [mnh.12] | Number of newborns initiated in KMC in MOMENTUM-supported facilities |
| 1 |
MPHD MNH.12 Percentage of newborns initiated in KMC in MPHD-supported facilities [mnh.12] | Number of newborns initiated in KMC in MOMENTUM-supported facilities |
| Number of newborns delivered (live) in MOMENTUM-supported facilities |
MPHD MNH.13 Early initiation of breastfeeding: Percentage of newborns put to the breast within 1 hr. of birth in MPHD- supported facilities [mnh.13] | Number of newborns breastfed within one hour of birth |
| Number of newborns delivered (live) in MOMENTUM-supported facilities |
MPHD MNH.14n Number of newborns who received postnatal care within two days of birth in MPHD-supported programs. [mnh.14] | Number of newborns who received postnatal care within two days of birth in MPHD-supported programs. |
| 1 |
MPHD MNH.14 Percentage of newborns who received postnatal care within two days of birth in MPHD-supported programs. [mnh.14] | Number of newborns who received postnatal care within two days of birth in MPHD-supported programs. |
| Number of newborns delivered (live) in MPHD-supported facilities or by skilled birth attendant |
MPHD MNH.1 Availability of functional EmONC facilities (Percentage of facilities) in MPHD-supported areas [PSI] | Number of facilities in MOMENTUM-supported areas that have the seven (BEmONC) or nine (CEmONC) EMONC signal functions |
| Number of facilities in MOMENTUM-supported areas assessed |
MPHD MNH.2n Number of antenatal clients with 1st visit before 12 weeks (Or ANC 1 disaggregated by timing) in MPHD-supported areas [mnh.2] | Number of antenatal clients who receive 1st visit before 12 weeks of gestational age in MOMENTUM-supported areas |
| 1 |
MPHD MNH.2 Percentage of antenatal clients with 1st visit before 12 weeks (Or ANC 1 disaggregated by timing) in MPHD-supported areas [mnh.2] | Number of antenatal clients who receive 1st visit before 12 weeks of gestational age in MOMENTUM-supported areas |
| Number of antenatal clients with 1st visit in MOMENTUM-supported areas |
MPHD MNH.3n Number antenatal clients with blood pressure measured in MPHD supported areas [mnh.3] | Number of antenatal clients with blood pressure measured in MOMENTUM-supported areas |
| 1 |
MPHD MNH.3 Percentage of antenatal clients with blood pressure measured in MPHD supported areas [mnh.3] | Number of antenatal clients with blood pressure measured in MOMENTUM-supported areas |
| Number of antenatal clients with first contact in MOMENTUM-supported areas |
MPHD MNH.4 Number of pregnant women reached with nutrition-specific interventions through MPHD-supported programs [mnh.4] | Number of pregnant women reached with nutrition-specific interventions through MPHD-supported programs |
| 1 |
MPHD MNH.5n Number of women with institutional delivery in MPHD supported facilities [mnh.5] | Number of women giving birth in a MPHD supported facility |
| 1 |
MPHD MNH.5 Percentage of women with institutional delivery in MPHD supported facilities [mnh.5] | Number of women giving birth in a MPHD supported facility |
| Estimated number of pregnant women in MPHD supported facility catchment area |
MPHD MNH.6n Number women who received a prophylactic uterotonic immediately after birth for prevention of Post-Partum Hemorrhage in a MPHD-supported facility [mnh.6] | Number of women who gave birth who received a prophylactic uterotonic in a MPHD-supported facilities |
| 1 |
MPHD MNH.6 Percentage women who received a prophylactic uterotonic immediately after birth for prevention of Post-Partum Hemorrhage in a MPHD-supported facility [mnh.6] | Number of women who gave birth who received a prophylactic uterotonic in a MPHD-supported facilities |
| Number of women giving birth in a MPHD supported facility |
MPHD MNH.7n Number of all deliveries which are caesarean in MPHD-supported health facilities [mnh.7] | Number of caesarean sections in MOMENTUM-supported facilities |
| 1 |
MPHD MNH.7 Percentage of all deliveries which are caesarean in MPHD-supported health facilities [mnh.7] | Number of caesarean sections in MOMENTUM-supported facilities |
| Number of deliveries (births) in MOMENTUM-supported health facilities |
MPHD MNH.8 Percentage recently delivered women who report a high person-centered maternity care score in MPHD-supported areas (facilities) [PSI] | Percentage recently delivered women who report a high person-centered maternity care score[1] in MPHD-supported areas (facilities) |
| 1 |
MPHD MNH.9 Institutional maternal mortality ratio in MPHD- supported facilities [mnh.9] | Number of maternal deaths in MPHD-supported health facilities |
| Number of deliveries in MPHD-supported health facilities |
MPHD - % of facilities reporting into the national HMIS | X.Cut.9 OPTION D1: Number of MOMENTUM-supported health facilities reporting in last three months |
| FP.RH.6 |
MPHD WASH.1 Percentage of MPHD supported facilities with available soap and running water or alcohol-based rub in the facility [PSI] | Number of MPHD-supported facilities with available soap and running water or alcohol-based rub in the facility on the day of visit |
| Number of MPHD-supported facilities visited (in rapid HFA or supervision visit) |
MPHD WASH.2n Number of MPHD supported Health Facilities with improved infection prevention readiness (IPR) scores. [PSI] | Number of health facilities that improved their IPC readiness criteria |
| 1 |
MPHD WASH.2 Percentage of MPHD supported Health Facilities with improved infection prevention readiness (IPR) scores. [PSI] | Number of health facilities that improved their IPC readiness criteria |
| Number of MPHD-supported facilities assessed |
MPHD WASH.3 Percentage of MPHD supported health care facilities that experience a stock out during the previous 3m of Essential Infection Prevention Supplies (EIPS) [PSI] | Number of MPHD supported health care facilities that experience a stock during the previous three months of Essential Infection Prevention Supplies |
| Number of MPHD-supported health facilities assessed |
MPHD X-Cut.10 Number of COVID-19 cases in previous three months [xcut.10] | Number of COVID-19 cases in MOMENTUM-supported districts in previous three months |
| 1 |
MPHD X-Cut.11 Number of COVID-19 -related deaths in previous three months [xcut.11] | Number of COVID-19 deaths in MOMENTUM-supported districts in previous three months |
| 1 |
MPHD X-Cut.12 Number of COVID-19 cases among health workers in previous three months [xcut.12] | Number of COVID-19 cases among health workers in MOMENTUM-supported districts in previous three months |
| 1 |
MPHD X-Cut.13 Number of COVID-19 -related deaths among health workers in previous three months [xcut.13] | Number of COVID-19 deaths among health workers in MOMENTUM-supported districts in previous three months |
| 1 |
MPHD X-Cut.1 Percentage completeness of HMIS reporting for health facilities and community health workers (CHWs) (Percentage) in MPHD-supported areas [xcut.1] | Number of MOMENTUM-supported health facilities and community health worker (CHW) sites that completed and submitted HMIS reporting forms to higher level for the six month period |
| Number of MOMENTUM-supported health facilities and community health worker (CHW) sites required to report HMIS data to a higher level for the six month period |
MPHD X-Cut.2 Estimated potential beneficiary population for maternal, newborn and child survival program: number of live births in MPHD-supported areas [xcut.2] | Number of live births in MOMENTUM-supported areas |
| 1 |
MPHD X-Cut.3 Quality improvement - Overall service utilization rate among MPHD-supported facilities implementing quality improvement (QI) (Number of outpatient visits) [xcut.3] | Total number of annual outpatient department visits |
| Total number of people residing in the catchment areas |
MPHD X-Cut.8 Number of instances of stresses and shocks in MPHD-supported areas [xcut.8] | Number of stresses or shocks occurring in MOMENTUM -support districts |
| 1 |
MPHD X-Cut.9 Percentage of MPHD-supported health facilities with no stock outs of any tracer stock (tracer medications, PPE, vaccine, injection supply, etc.) in last 3m [xcut.9] | Number of MOMENTUM-supported health facilities with no stock outs of any tracer stock in last three months |
| Number of MOMENTUM-supported health facilities reporting in last three months |
Metadata package
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