Name | Start value | End value | Color |
NA | -2 | -0.5 | #C3C3C0 |
No | -0.5 | 0.24 | #F69E9E |
Rarely | 0.24 | 0.49 | #FFA500 |
Partly | 0.49 | 0.74 | #F8E29A |
Mostly | 0.74 | 0.99 | #D2DB5E |
Yes-completely | 0.99 | 99999999 | #8EBE76 |
Stage: Data verification
Data verification is the stage where the quantitative comparison of reported data is performed. This includes the review of the timeliness, completeness and availability. To perform these task, a set of data elements and options sets are required.
RDQA data verification: Legends
Name | Start value | End value | Color |
Bad_FAIL | -1 | 80 | #F69E9E |
Avg_FAIL | 80 | 90 | #F8E29A |
Good | 90 | 110 | #8EBE76 |
Avg2_FAIL | 110 | 120 | #F8E29A |
Bad2_FAIL | 120 | 1000 | #F69E9E |
Stage: Data verification
Data verification is the stage where the quantitative comparison of reported data is performed. This includes the review of the timeliness, completeness and availability. To perform these task, a set of data elements and options sets are required.
Data verification: Stage Details