Authorities refers to access priviliges
User Groups refers to groups of user such as End Users and Administrators
User refers to the End Users in most cases the Quality Supervisor or Supervisor
Roles refers to access privileges such as access to
DHIS2 applications, adding, editing and deleting objects.
Object refers to programs, data elements, option sets and other configurable elements within DHIS2
Manage access to different applications, rights and privileges to use DHIS2
In order to keep DHIS2 as clean and organised as possible, User Groups and Roles should be defined to limit access to the features available in DHIS2.
A User Role for Data Capture should include the following Authorities:
Web data captureData Capture | Android data captureData Capture |
Note: as As of DHIS2 Android 2.6.2 a user do User does not needs require any authority to capture DHIS2 tracker dataTracker Data |
For Program Administration
Program Administration requires several Authorities depending on the needs of the Administrator. All the recommended Authorities are listed below:
Authority required to create edit metadata objects in the DHIS2 server.
Info |
*Denote: The Public access should only be provided for analyses such as Dashbaord. Maps and Visualisation. Avoid providing Public access for Program-related Metadate, this function is reserved for HNQIS Administrators only. |
The use of Public sharing: we normally recommend limiting the use of Public sharing only for analyses (Dashboard, Maps and Visualizations). We do not recommend the use of public sharing for program-related metadata, so editing of it is limited to the official HNQIS administrators.
Metadata Object | Authority |
Dashboard (for H2 Metadata Generation) |
Data Element |
Legend Set |
Map (for H2 Metadata Generation) |
Option Set |
Program |
Program Indicator |
Program Rule |
Program Stage |
ProgramStageSection |
Visualization (For H2 Metadata Generation) |
App access authority is required to administer H2 programs in a DHIS2 server.