Versions Compared


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As of August 2023, PSI extensively uses conversational chatbots to collect information directly from clients. In some cases we also make use of USSD sessions, for which we run short questionnaires. For chatbots, the flow of those conversations is defined in system like RapidPro, and the answers are stored on a FHIR backend, as a QuestionnaireResponse resource. But in most cases we PSI currently (Aug 2023) don’t have the associated Questionnaire, which means that the metadata is missing. The creates challenges for analytics, and also force to code questionnaires as part of the bot or the USSD application, instead of just using a FHIR questionnaire.

Questionnaire Processor application

Questionnaire Processor is a server-side Node.js application able to process FHIR Questionnaires. The service can be integrated with USSD or chatbot applications to prompt users with questionnaire items and gather their responses. The services validate user input in accordance to the constraints for the related FHIR Question Item, and it return the next question as part of the API response body. At the end of the process you get the FHIR QuestionnaireResponse resource, based on the answer provided.



Request Parameters

  • Headers

    • X-api-key: Your API token set in the .env file (required).

    • Accept-Language: Set the desired language for the response. Supported languages: English, French, Spanish and Burundi.

  • Body

    • sessionId: Unique session id for the interaction (required).

    • userId: Unique identifier related to the user.

    • Input: User response to the prompt (optional for first request).

    • showQR: Return Questionnaire response after each request (optional). The valid values are


    • questionnaire: FHIR Questionnaire in JSON format (optional after the initial request).

Example Request

Code Block
  "sessionId": "123456789",
  "userId": "user123",
  "Input": null,
  "showQR": true,
  "questionnaire": {...} // Your FHIR Questionnaire JSON

Response Structure

  • Status: Reflects the state of the session (CON or END).

  • Message: Question item, options, or validation message displayed to the user.

  • QuestionnaireResponse: Returned if showQR is true or the session reaches the end.

Example Response Utsav Ashish Koju please add an example of a response

Code Block

Supported FHIR Question Types

  • Boolean

  • Choice

  • Date

  • Decimal

  • Display

  • Integer

  • Phone

  • Quantity

  • Text

  • URL


  • For Boolean questions, 1 is used for True and 2 for False.

  • Skip logic and validations like greater than, less than, or equals to are supported.

  • The application uses SQLite for session management and Winston for logging.

  • Use a simple token-based authentication mechanism for enhanced security.

  • The application doesn’t support nested FHIR questionnaire.

Getting Started:

  1. Environment Configuration:

    • Rename the .env.example file to .env.

    • Update the .env file based on your system configuration.

  2. API Endpoint: base_url/api/v1/questionnaire

  3. API Documentation: Access detailed API documentation and test endpoints using swagger-ui at base_url/api/v1/docs.
