Checks if the telephone number is not associated to with another Moodle user. If available, the elearning eLearning Chatbot begins the registration process.
Automatically sets the user language based on the phone country code (currently only for some African countries for now).
Languages currently available: English, Portuguese, and French.
Only The only required fields are first name and last namenames, with the email being optional.
Course Display and Self Enrollment
Self-enroll users on available courses
List chatbot-compliant courses
Track user’s the user's course progress and completion status
Configure a lesson activity that will properly display its pages for the WhatsApp interface.
Compatible with .jpg images and .mp4 videos (for public courses only)
Lesson summary after finishing the module
Quizzes consisting of ‘multiple choice’ and ‘true/false’ 'multiple choice' and 'true/false' questions can be taken using the Moodle Chatbot App.
Multiple quiz attempts supported
Quiz result summary after attempted submission
Course managers can receive student feedback from the students using Moodle’s using Moodle's feedback module, compatible with ‘multiple choice’ and ‘short text answer’ 'multiple choice' and 'short text answer' type questions.