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Custom Certificate plugin: The "Custom Certificate" is an external plugin and should be manually installed on your Moodle platform for it to function properly. This plugin will allow you to create custom certificates to students who successfully complete the course.
User properties plugin: The "User Properties" is a required extension that is part of the functionality of the "Bot Manager" in Moodle. This plugin needs to be installed manually since it is not a native Moodle plugin. Its installation will enable storing specific information in the user profile through the Bot Manager, allowing for personalized interactions with students and enhancing the overall learning experience.
Course Properties Plugin: The "Course Properties" plugin is essential in Moodle's "Bot Manager." It requires manual installation as it is not a native Moodle plugin. By installing the "Course Properties" plugin, the chatbot will be able to access specific course information and provide responses tailored to the individual needs of the students, enhancing the learning experience.
Bot Manager Plugin in a course and enjoy its benefits,
Additonallly you have to…
Moodle Chatbot Plugin Requirements
Enabling Web Services and the REST Protocol: To to ensure proper interaction with the Bot Manager plugin and take advantage of the functionalities of Web Services and the REST Protocol in Moodle 4.1, it is necessary to verify that these options are enabled in Site Administration > Plugins > Web Services > Enable Web Services > Enable REST Protocol.
Create token: Creation creation of token and use of Moodle Mobile Web Service for secure access through the mobile application, this option are is enabled in Site Administration > Plugins > Web Services > Enable Web Services > Manage Token.
Moodle version | Status |
4.0 | under Under consideration |
4.1 - LTXLTS | fully Fully compatible |
4.2 | under Under consideration |
Moodle Version 4.1: Ensure that your Moodle platform is updated to version 4.1. This will ensure full compatibility with the "Bot Manager" and its functionalities.