The next section is the technical area, this section has the same data as the indicator screen, the difference between the two screens is that the indicator screen will show all the dimensions by indicator that is added and the technical area screen will always show the information by dimensions.
HNQIS2 Program
HNQIS2 has been designed to allow healthcare supervisors to perform their assessments offline using the DHIS2 app for Android. The app can conveniently store the data on your smartphone or tablet. Once your device reconnects to the Internet, the data will automatically synchronize with the DHIS2 server. To read more about this program, click here. The PSI DHIS2 android fork as well as the RDQA program has the feedback module as extra functionality.
Feedback module
The feedback module contains all sections and questions that have been completed in the evaluation, as well as the help texts that have been set up. Each section has a score and likewise each question shows its score.
To open the feedback module, follow the steps below:
Open an HNQIS program
Select or create an assessment
In the dashboard, tap on the three dots menu in the top right corner.