This is perfomed through the events reports app.
Table style: Pivot table
Output type: Event
Table layout:
Reporter filter | Column dimensions | Row dimensions | Value |
None | Periods | Organisation units | Aggregation: Number of events |
This is perfomed throught the events reports app.
Table style: Pivot table
Output type: Enrollment
Table layout:
Reporter filter | Column dimensions | Row dimension | Value |
Organisation units | Periods | [PA] RDQA - Health Area | Aggregation: Number of events |
This is perfomed through the data visualizer App.
Table layout:
Columns | Rows | Filter |
Data | Period | Organisation unit |
This is perfomed through the events reports app.
Table style: Line list
Output type: EnrollmentTable layoutEnrollment
Table layout:
Excluded dimensions | Colum dimensions |
Longuited Latitude | Event date |
RDQA - Data verification score epr indicator and Donor
Excluded dimensions | Column dimensions |
Longitude | Event date |
RDQA Data Quality Score, Data verification & M&E Systems Assessment
The data visualizer app within DHIS2 is utilized to create the following tables.
RDQA - Health Area Scores
The Health Area Scores provide a quick overview of the data quality, system assessment and data verification score calculated within the RDQA Program while capturing the data and completing each event.